
Hello dear friends! I am leaving the country, it is true! I am going twice times the distance and for three times as long as last time I left. Though you may miss me, it’s very likely that I will miss you more. In the meantime, I shall try to post clever anecdotes and humorous tales enough to tie you over until I find myself back in the midst of all you beautiful people in this wonderful place I call home.

ah! details!

I will be teaching English in an all- girls high school in Yeoju, South Korea for one year.

Oh, was that town confusing? No worries. Perhaps this will be clearer: 여주, 남한.

And that is pretty much the extent of my knowledge. Get ready! Here we go! Less than two days before departure!

Oh yes, I too am wondering what I’m getting myself into. How terribly exciting! How awfully nervewracking! How beautiful! How grand!

Nikon D3000And one more thing, I shall be supplying pictures with the beautiful baby pictured to the left. She is my brandy new best friend, next to my Gregory pack and my carry- on duffel which will carry all my books. (I have limited the pile to seven books, and then another pile farther away of five, for if I put them together it’s plainly obvious that there are too many books I want to bring. But how could I possibly divide my soul for a period so long as one year!?)

Wish me luck!

All my love to you.