Travel Biography

Shortly after I graduated from the University of Wisconsin- Madison, I hopped a plane to South Korea where I taught English in an all-girls’ public high school on a one-year contract through the Korean government. I had never been to Asia prior to that flight. You can follow my year of intense cultural immersion in one of the most densely populated countries of the world: I was living in a high-rise apartment in the midst of the rice-paddies, what a cultural paradox for this American girl!

To find posts on South Korea, check out the archives from Aug 2010- Aug 2011.

After I finished my year-long teaching contract in South Korea, I spent four months backpacking solo through China, Tibet, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. I went biking in the crowded, smog-filled streets of Beijing and drank medicinal liquor infused with snakes and sea-horses. From there I took a two-day train to the rooftop of the world into the holy city of Lhasa, where I spent a week immersed in ancient prayers, the streets thick with the smoky, sweet smell of incense. I volunteered in an orphanage in Nepal, trekked through the Himalayas, stayed with Nepali families on the outskirts of the jungle and rode a whirlwind of trains in India before, finally, relaxing on the incredible beaches of Sri Lanka. 

Home again to work and plan before travels led me through Iceland, Scotland, western Germany, France, and Spain. See the archives for travel writings and photos.

And so it is that my travels led me to the misty isle of Éire, to be sure, to be sure. It is a blessing to be here living beside the sea, where I now experience the sweet joys of motherhood. The law of the land is poetry and music, anything for a good laugh or the succinct expression of the heart.

Thank you for your kind attention. I hope you enjoy my writings.