Jul 18 2011


Students would run to my desk during the day to give me little handmade notes and birthday cards. I love my students.

My favorite coteacher Mickey. She bought me a cake and surprised me before lunch and a handful of teachers, including Miss Noh, my best friend teacher at school, sang happy birthday to me and made me blow out the candles and make a wish. Then we went and ate tofu kimchi for lunch.

Two of my favorite students. They saw me in the hallway and started singing and dancing this goofy happy birthday song.

This student eagerly arranged ahead of time for her to come to my desk and take a picture. She made me memorize her name in class and now I've forgotten... and we agreed that if I forget, she gets to punch me. I hope I remember soon.

This was maybe the best gift ever. Strawberry shortcake. I ate the whole thing for breakfast the next day with a strong cup of french pressed coffee.