a Whirlwind of Autumn

Finally, a picture of my classroom! This is a group of 2nd Grade girls, one of the medium higher levels of comprehension. I really really really enjoy teaching this size class– classes of 40 are a totally different playing field. As you can see, they are all adorable.

Classroom of Girls

I managed to get them all to pose for a picture, but it only lasted about three seconds before they were back up again. I love this class! One of my favorites. <3

My classroom is pretty much the technologically savvy classroom in the school– I have the mega computer in the front, which sends the image on the computer to nine different computer screens that are hooked to each of the nine tables in my classroom. Also, I can make the screen project full- size screen on the wall. Great for videos, like the recent ten- minute clip of America’s Funniest Home Videos, Halloween edition, that I’ve been showing my classes. HUGE hit. Pure giggle- scream fest. Awesome.

Sentence Game Classroom

As you can see, my class is a total hit. We do things like run around, create general chaos, and look at adorable pictures of puppies. Hooray, English Conversation class sans textbook! You're the best!


Sentence Game Image

This is the sentence game-- I show a picture to the class and spent the entirety of the class screaming, running, laughing, cheering and brainstorming in English. It's great.

Halloween is the best holiday ever to teach. Hooray for culture! I’m a total sucker when it comes to an entire classroom of girls screaming, “Candeeee, Teacher, Canddyyyyy!!!!” to me, arms outstretched and eyes begging… I went through a 2.4kg bag of hard candy in my first 2.5 days. Dangit. Luckily I learned to have a little discretion in giving handfuls and occasionally whip out the *high five* prize. The devastated- and- equally- surprised- and- hopeful looks on their faces is priceless. I also love actually giving them candy, which is why I’ve made (literally) three trips to the grocery store already. Sigh. Goodbye, October paycheck, you’re dissolving into the giddy giggles and screams of six hundred rural Korean girls, and I’m helpless to stop it.

On another note entirely, I went hiking up a mountain this weekend! For having a population of 50 billion people, Korea has done an amazing job of preserving the natural beauty of their many, many mountains. This weekend I hopped on a six- hour all- night bus full of tourists, Koreans and English teachers in order to arrive at Juwangsan National Park at 6am. Nope, I didn’t sleep a wink on that all- night bus ride, but it was unbelievably worth it to see the mountains. Due to technical difficulties, the mountains will not be pictured in this particular blog post, but I promise to show them to you soon!

In the meantime, I hope this awesome, random collection of pictures will tie you over until I can get my head on straight and show you thirsty followers some mountains!

Old Grandpa and Bike

Grandpa and bike, snapped on one of my early walks home from school.Autumn rice paddies turn a brilliant, beautiful golden yellow color. I love the alternating strips of yellow and green that crosses the horizon in autumnal Korea.Autumn rice paddies turn a brilliant, beautiful golden yellow color. I love the alternating strips of yellow and green that crosses the horizon in autumnal Korea.

As always, living a new country presents the simplicity of everyday life in a completely new and different way. Korea is not without its simple pleasures, and almost every day I smile at an old person on a bike, or appreciate the leaves scuttling across my path, or find the vibrant yellow colors of the Gingko trees unbelievably and breathakingly beautiful.
Earlier this week the big Gingko tree dropped almost half of its leaves in a radiantly golden halo around the base: I was smiling for half the day from it.
Rice Paddies Ripe and Ready

Autumn rice paddies turn a brilliant, beautiful golden yellow color. I love the alternating strips of yellow and green that crosses the horizon in autumnal Korea.