Oh, April.

Well, I reckon it’s time for a new post.

Things have been really crazy lately. We’ve got midterms next week and I had to prepare questions for those. I had extra classes start last Friday, and had to impromptu provide full lesson plans for those. And then, to put the icing on the busy school cake, or so I thought at the time, I had to prepare for an open class within one week.

An open class is when you open up your classroom, line the back of the room with chairs to be filled by the other teachers in your department and by the Principal, provide very solid and foolproof lesson plans, spend evey hour of free time the week before planning for the perfect lesson that demonstrates your incredible ability to introduce a topic, flawlessly exhibit practice and student understanding, and conclude with meaningful interaction and supplementary material after the lesson.

The story continues, but I think we’ll end it here.