May 17 2014

Deutschland Revisited: Whimsical Aachen, land of Printen

Fountain at the foot of the castle, Aachen.

Fountain at the foot of the castle, Aachen.

Aachen Münster: Marble and gold, gold and marble.

Aachen Münster: Marble and gold, gold and marble.

Passing glimpse on the train, Düsseldorf to Aachen.

Passing glimpse on the train, Düsseldorf to Aachen.

May 14 2014

Deutschland Revisited: Freiburg im Breisgau

The heart of Freiburg. A city one could live in with pleasure. Happy babies, public garden spaces used for growing vegetables and cheap, delicious ice cream.

The heart of Freiburg. In my experience one of the happiest, most livable cities in Europe.

A day hiking in the foothills that surround charming Freiburg, mountain storm rolling in.

Mountain storm rolling in over the foothills of the Black Forest, Freiburg.

The stormy, symmetrical heart of Jesus.

Herz-Jesu Church: The stormy, symmetrical heart of Jesus.

May 9 2014

Deutschland Revisited: the River Rhine


Train ride along the Rhein through Mainz.


The breadth of the river alone is enough to impress.


If it be possible anywhere a castle to perch, a castle there be, no matter how unexpectedly. There must be dozens of castles all along the river. It was truly magical.